
Provocation Tests

Can You Identify Subtle Motor Deficits?

A study by Maranhao, Maranhao-Filho, Lima, and Vincent (2010) studied 13 tests for their ability to detect subtle motor deficits to identify possible unilateral/monohemispheric brain tumors.  The results of this study were very interested and provide simple tests with respectable metrics for simple screening of a potentially serious concern.

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The “Other” Cruciate Ligament, AKA PCL

The “Other” Cruciate Ligament, AKA PCL

The posterior cruciate (PCL) is composed of two bands that blend together.  It attaches to the posterior intercondylar area and passes anterosuperiorly to insert into the lateral surface of the medial femoral condyle.  The PCL is responsible for posterior translation of the tibia on the femur in open kinetic chain and anterior translation of the femur on the tibia in closed kinetic chain. 

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