Concave-Convex Image

When Convex-Concave Rule Meets Clinical Practice

      When Convex-Concave Rule Meets Clinical Practice  The convex-concave rule was developed by Freddie Kaltenborn.  It has been taught for decades as the way to explain the arthrokinematics of a joint.  It identifies that when the concave joint surface moves on the convex surface, rolling and gliding of the two surfaces occur in the …

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Why is iOrtho+ Premium a WEB- BASED APP?

   Why is iOrtho+ Premium a WEB- BASED APP? The concept of web applications dates back to the early days of the internet (1990’s).  The launch of the iPhone in 2007 was a significant milestone in app development.  The App Store was introduced in 2008 and grew rapidly.  Developers created apps for gaming, productivity, social networking, …

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